Fantasy Role Playing Dice

Many fantasy role playing (FRP) systems require the players to cast dice of varying types during the execution of the game. This recipe permits a player to select the number and sides of dice to be played.

Number of Dice:

Sides of Dice


Netscape needs to know the correct path to load these graphic images. The getSibling function recovers the parent's path from the document location and adds directions to a sibling or nephew folder. It strips off the document name and then the current directory.
// Get the grandparent directory and append aDir
function getSibling(aDir)
    var loc = ""+document.location
    // get this dir, then parent
    var base = loc.substring(0, loc.lastIndexOf("/"))
    base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf("/")+1)
    return base+aDir+'/'

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